
10 Tips to Choose a Multivitamin

Published : Jan 04, 2018 4 mins read Updated On : Oct 31, 2023

Are you looking for multivitamins but confused about how to choose them? Don’t worry! you are in the right place.

Here, in this post, we are going to discuss the following topics –

• What are multivitamins?
• Do you really need them?
• How to choose multivitamins?

So, let’s start.

What are Multivitamins?

Before discussing multivitamins, first, let’s understand what vitamins are.

Vitamins came under the category of micronutrients. They do not provide energy, however, are essential for the proper growth and functioning of the human body. They are vital for various chemical reactions as well as metabolic processes that take place inside.

Vitamins are classified into 2 categories –

1. Fat-soluble vitamins – Those which can be dissolved in fat. There are – Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. They can be easily stored in the body.

2. Water-soluble vitamins - They can be dissolved in water. These are – Vitamin B-complex and Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid). They are usually excreted out of the human body.

Multivitamins (a combination of many vitamins) are nutrients or dietary supplements that are usually taken to fill the nutritional gaps and maintain daily bodily requirements. They primarily contain vitamins and minerals and consist of unique ingredients like plant extract or herb extract. For example – Fast & Up Vitalize contains natural beetroot extract Buy Vitalize Multivitamins and Minerals Tablets Online India - Fast&Up.

10 Tips to Choose a Multivitamin

Benefits of multivitamins include –

• Strengthen the immune system
• Promotes healthy aging
• Boost cardiovascular health
• Reduce anxiety and stress
• Improves eyesight
• Supports healthy metabolism
• Aids brain function
• Keeps bones strong
• Maintains skin integrity
• Promote healthy hair

Do you really need multivitamins?

None of the dietary supplements should replace the proper meals. The best way to get proper nutrition is to eat a balanced diet rich in a variety of fruits and vegetables. Multivitamins should only be taken when the daily requirement is not able to be fulfilled from natural food sources. It is the source of nutrition support and fills the nutrition gaps.

A deficiency of specific vitamins in the diet can lead to various diseases. For example – Scurvy (from lack of Vitamin C), Beriberi (Vitamin B1), Pellagra (Vitamin B3), Rickets in children, and osteomalacia in adults (Vitamin D). Therefore, it is very important to fulfill the daily demands of the human body.

But, be careful!

Not only it’s a deficiency, but its overdose can be very harmful, especially fat-soluble vitamins because they can be stored in the body. It can lead to toxicity.

10 Tips to Choose a Multivitamin

Different age groups have varied recommended dietary allowances for each and every vitamin that should be taken on a daily basis. So, make sure to keep checking on its dosage.

People who might need multivitamins include –

• Those having a poor appetite

• Restricted food choices
• Unbalanced diet
• Malabsorption syndrome
• Lactose intolerance
• Celiac disease
• Gastric issues like ulcerative colitis
• Restricted diet – for example, liquid diet in case of any procedure
• Increased body demands like in the case of pregnancy & lactation
• Don’t have time to eat
• Vegetarian or vegan
• Consume alcohol & tobacco.

Top 10 tips to choose multivitamins:

Before consuming any vitamin supplement, it is very essential to carefully opt for the right one. So, you must keep the following things in mind while purchasing it.

1. Daily value – The first thing you need to see is the percent recommended dietary allowance or daily value on the nutritional information label. Read the label to see if the brand has mentioned the percentage of nutrition based on 100%of the daily value of the ingredients. Remember that nutrient values exceeding is not always a sign of quality and maybe even harmful. For example, the build-up of some vitamins like A, D, E, and K over time could potentially become toxic.

2. The right nutrients - See the list of vitamins and minerals present in the particular supplement. Look for the one that has most of them.

3. The right balance for your age and sex – Nutrient requirements vary depending upon the age and sex of a person. For example, premenopausal women need more iron while postmenopausal women & older adults require more calcium. The requirements are different for infants, growing school-age children, and adolescents based on their gender.

4. Form of Nutrient - The form of nutrients is a big indicator of quality. Often supplement companies use the cheapest form of nutrients, which are not bioavailable to your body which means that your body will not able to utilize them. A total waste of money.

5. Dosage requirement – Always look at the written number of tablets or capsules that has to be taken of that particular supplement and accordingly see the number of nutrients you are getting per day from the nutrition information label.

6. Have a look at extra ingredients – Be aware of potentially harmful additives, preservatives, and sweeteners added to the vitamins. For example – any food coloring, hydrogenated palm oil which is a trans-fat.

7. Tested, verified, and Licensed – Opt for the brand or product which is registered, verified, and tested by a third party to make sure that there is no harmful or toxic ingredient present in it. You should make sure of safe consumption.

8. Price of the product – Be aware of cheap supplements. They may contain many artificial ingredients or inactive forms of vitamins that cannot be absorbed and utilized in the human body. Pharmaceutical-grade supplements can only be purchased through a licensed healthcare provider.

9. Multivitamins with high doses – Avoid multivitamin which provides high doses because they may result in hypervitaminosis that can lead to toxicity.

10. Manufacturing date and Expiry date – Don’t forget to see both details. It is a very important indicator of product quality.

Rashi Agarwal
Consultant clinical dietitian & weight management expert

Rashi Agarwal is a consultant dietician and weight management expert with over 1.5 years of experience. She has completed her master's in food and nutrition. She also holds a degree in food science... Read More

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