
Best A to Z Multivitamin Supplements in India

Published : Apr 16, 2020 1 mins read Updated On : Oct 31, 2023

Best A to Z Multivitamin Supplements in India

Multivitamin deficiency in India: study

As per reports, more than 75% of Indians suffer from multivitamin deficiency either can of a vitamin or of trace minerals that are directly linked to many health problems.

Vitamins and minerals are vital micronutrients essential for the normal functioning of the human body and maintain overall health.

What are the common deficiencies prevailing in India?

The most common nutrients deficiency that occurs among the various age group of India is

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B9
  • Zinc
  • Calcium

Indian diet mainly involves pulses and cereals with less consumption of vegetables, fruits, and dairy products that lead to nutrient deficiency.

What are the reasons for nutritional deficiency in a country like India?

  • Active lifestyle
  • Overpopulation
  • Lack of awareness
  • Over nourishment among a few groups
  • Cultural influences
  • Dietary practices
  • Infections

Multivitamin Supplements

What can be done to prevent a nutrient deficiency?

Including nutrient-dense diets with vegetables, fruits, cereal, and pulses into an everyday routine. Ask yourself? Is it possible? If the answer is yes well and good if no, then how would you take care of your nutrient requirements? This is possible with the help of a multivitamin supplement.

Let me get you through how Fast&Up Vitalize will help you with it

  • First, it offers a complete set of all essential nutrients – 12 vitamins, 9minerals, and natural beetroot extract
  • Effervescent technology helps in faster absorption and action
  • Complete package to support and maintain overall health
  • Builds overall immunity
  • Easy to swallow in tasty orange flavor
  • No GI distress
  • Loss of nutrients is less as compared to other traditional medicines
  • Promotes stamina and replenishes lost nutrients
  • No added sugar
  • Diabetic-friendly

You would have decoded how to vitalize A to Z multivitamins are for maintaining overall good health and bridging nutritional gaps in your diet. Also, vitalize uses a different technology than what traditional a2z tablet uses. It comes with premium effervescent technology, which offers better absorption and faster action with no GI distress.

Fast&Up has grown to provide one of the best health supplements in India!

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