
Week 1 - SCMM, Here I Come!

Published : Nov 25, 2016 0 mins read Updated On : Jul 28, 2022
SCMM Full Marathon 2017 is definitely happening. After the Berlin Marathon, I wasn't too keen on running another Full but decided to register anyways. My initial plan was to take SCMM very easy and focus on my target race which is somewhere in April. Honestly, I got bored of taking it too easy. As I'm slowly inching back to my training routine, I'm looking at SCMM as a transforming race in terms of strength and endurance - a building block for my upcoming races in 2017. I'm starting with a completely different kind of training program, something which I'm very new to, along with 60 days of Pro total. I have been hearing great things about Pro Total and will be following the course religiously to complete the requisite nutritional requirement during this phase. Here's hoping to discover new limits by the end of SCMM 2017 and then defy them.
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