
Electrolyte Drinks for Dehydration

Published : Mar 23, 2021 2 mins read Updated On : Jan 24, 2023

Why Electrolyte Drinks for Dehydration is Important during Indian Summer?

While the Indian summer has officially started and they are known to be extremely hot and difficult. Yet that cannot stop us from doing our regular activities such as enjoying sports, going down to office and vacations all while following the protocols set by the government during such an aforementioned condition.

Electrolyte Drinks for Dehydration - fast&Up

One cannot stop enjoying life and gathering beautiful memories just because it is summer, right? However one should remember heat results in electrolyte imbalance, dehydration and heat stroke in the worst case scenario. There are common signs and symptoms of dehydration which we tend to miss out, Thus it is essential to stay hydrated and healthy this summer.

How does electrolytes work?

Electrolytes are very tiny particles that carry electrical charges. Electrolytes play crucial roles in order to maintain proper functioning. When you sweat, electrolytes help to maintain fluid balance both inside and outside the cells so that your muscle and vital organ continue to perform at their peak.

Why are electrolytes so important?

When you sweat, you lose electrolytes along with fluid. If you don’t replenish your electrolytes, it has a negative impact on your health and even on athletic performance.

Instant hydration drinks help in faster electrolytes replenishment with maintaining fluid balance in the body. Electrolytes also helps to make most of the water, which is a key to hydration. Hydration Supplement rich in essential electrolytes such as Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Chloride and Calcium along with essential vitamins - Vitamin C, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3 helps to provide right combination of electrolytes, antioxidants and vitamins for instant hydration and electrolyte replenishment.

What to look for in Hydration supplements?

While there are hundreds of options available in hydration drinks such as powder, tablets, sports drinks etc. But it becomes important to select the best hydration drink for instant action with no known side effects.
Following are criteria one should look for:

  1. Certifications
  2. Essential Electrolytes - Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Calcium and Magnesium
  3. Vital Vitamins
  4. Isotonic Sports Drink: Faster nutrient absorption into the body and instant action as compared to Hypotonic and Isotonic Sports drinks.

Types of Sports Drinks - fast&Up

Bottom Line

While we understand the importance of electrolytes to maintain proper hydration and functioning of the vital organs. It becomes important to support with hydration supplement that helps maintain hydration levels, prevent dehydration, provide instant and sustained energy, helps prevent muscle fatigue, stress, exhaustion and stress, helps replenish electrolytes lost in sweats and is gentle on the stomach.

To know more about Hydration drink recommended by fitness icon Shilpa Shetty Kundra, India’s top nutritionist Pooja Makhija and Indian cricketer Mayank Agarwal.

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