
How To Choose Best Protein Supplement

Published : Feb 22, 2021 1 mins read Updated On : Mar 06, 2024

When looking for the protein source of your choice, there is no one-stop solution. Instead one must look at the desired results and outcomes of the protein source in question, and then determine which is best suited for your particular set of needs. For example, if you’re looking for a protein that doesn’t cause bloating or GI, then certain plant protein supplements are ideal for you.

Here are a few points outlined for you to use as a guideline when picking the right protein supplement. So take a look at the things to take into consideration when choosing your protein supplement below:

Finding a protein powder best suited for your needs and outcomes:

1. Build muscle:

For healthy muscle growth, choose a protein powder with a high biological value (a value that measures how efficiently your body can absorb and utilize a protein). Whey protein and whey isolates are your best-suited options.

2. Lose weight:

For effective weight management and weight loss, opt for shakes with no added sugars or dextrins/maltodextrins (i.e. sweeteners made from starch). Don’t choose those with added branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), as they help promote muscle mass.

3. Stay vegetarian or vegan:

If you’re vegetarian or vegan, avoid milk-based protein shakes (like whey, milk proteins); instead use 100% plant proteins-soy, pea, hemp. Fortunately, there are several organic protein powders available that make it equivalent to the results from any other protein.

Choosing Best Protein Supplement - Fast&Up

4. Limit protein for kidney disease :

People with kidney disease are unable to manage the intake of a lot of protein at one time. Stick with powders that have a lower-range protein content so that your body is better able to assimilate the protein content.

5. Avoid gastrointestinal problems:

Patients who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or lactose intolerance should opt for powders that do not contain lactose sugars, artificial sweeteners, or dextrins of any sort. If you also happen to have a gluten allergy or a peculiar sensitivity to it, try and avoid gluten in your protein powder. You can refer to these plant protein powders to go for a gluten-free alternative.

6. Stick to your budget :

To efficiently manage and budget your costs, buy tubs of protein powder instead of ready-to-drink protein shakes, which are unnecessarily more expensive because they’re convenient, but you’ll come to find they are unreasonably expensive.

Mohd Amaan
Daily Wellbeing

Amaan is someone who loves to read and write. He is a writer and editor with passion for daily wellbeing. His focus areas are daily wellbeing and overall health. He writes about health hacks, nutri... Read More

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