
Importance of Hydration in Football

Published : Dec 22, 2020 2 mins read Updated On : Mar 06, 2024

As we all know our very own Indian Super League (ISL -2020 - 2021) has started and ever since the inception of ISL, football has been gaining popularity to places where football was still not a popular event. There is a considerable improvement right from grassroots football level to Senior team players and stadiums. More and More people have started taking up football as their career and are serious about it.

Before we jump into hydration, let's talk about endurance sport and understand the why behind the importance of hydration in endurance sports like football.

Endurance Sport or Event involves continuous and rigorous high intensity exercise over a long period of time and one has to recover as well as soon as possible. Football involves a lot of physical activity, twists and turns on regular intervals, heavy sprinting and a lot of stress over the top to give your best. The duration of a single match is 90minutes plus and is divided into 2 halves of 45 minutes plus the added time which differs. The work rate at which the football players have to work is very high. On an average a football player covers 8 to 13km a match depending on variable factors fitness, position, playing level, tactics and weather conditions and much more external factors as well. All of these factors lead to high levels of metabolic heat production which increases the temperature of the body. The primary mechanism through which heat is lost is evaporation of sweat from the skin surface. This is the basic way through which body regulates temperature but this also leads to sweat induced dehydration.

Dehydration is the process of body water loss and is often described in terms of changes in body mass. Every player works hard, they sweat, and when they sweat they lose out water and important salts and electrolytes. In a typical training session, sweat loss may reach 3l as well. While many of them have 2 training sessions a day as well along with personal gyming. It is important to maintain hydration levels in the body in order to avoid dehydration and muscle injuries that impact performance.

Why does only water not suffice?

High intensity leads to depletion of muscle glycogen levels in football players especially who play at high tempo, players in key positions or are dedicated to running throughout the match. Better intake of sports drinks helps to retain lost electrolytes and energy required to ace the match. As games are won and decided in the last minutes of the game where fatigue sets in and are high chances of injuries as well.

The use of sport drinks helps to maintain hydration levels in the body. One should always ensure Sodium consumption as it stimulates the salt losses. 

Why Fast&Up Reload as a hydration drink?

Now we all know the importance of hydration for a football player. Fast&Up Reload is India’s first Hypotonic sports drink with Informed Choice certification. It is an intelligent combination of Electrolytes, Vital Vitamins and Minerals, Carbohydrate and Antioxidants that helps

Importance of Hydration in Football

  • Maintain hydration
  • Help prevent muscle injuries
  • Helps in faster electrolyte replenishment
  • Provides instant and sustained energy
  • Reduces fatigue, muscle soreness, and exhaustion

Fast&Up is also the official Nutrition partner of Mumbai City FC and Odisha FC in Indian Super League 2020 -21.

Official Nutrition Partner for Football - Fast&Up


There are surfeit of options available when it comes to hydration drinks in the market. Either they may be loaded with sugar or would be artificial flavors or colors. Fast&Up Reload is trusted by India’s elite athletes and experts.

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