
Know your Athletes- Mani Kandan, Bodybuilder

Published : Apr 21, 2020 3 mins read Updated On : Sep 18, 2023

Like many teenagers from Chennai, R Manikandan who is a big time fitness enthusiast got into engineering immediately after completing school. But, unlike the troop, he made a jaw dropping decision to drop out of college to pursue his passion and love for professional bodybuilding. It was certainly a risk and which definitely paid off as he was crowned with “Mr World” title.

Know your Athletes- Mani Kandan, Bodybuilder
Here’s a backdrop of his interesting life as he juggled in the journey from being an engineering dropout to being crowned Mr World.

• When and where were you born?
Born on July, 29 1991 and in Chennai, Tamil Nadu

• What is your earliest memory connected with sports?
My earliest memory connected to Sports was when I played Kabaddi in school sports day event during my 8th grade

• Who was the most influential person to you as a child?
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

• What was your favorite game?
Kabaddi and Cricket

• Did you have any nicknames?

• What were you most afraid of as a child?
Examinations and Parent teacher’s meeting

• Do you recall any interesting stories related to you by any of your elder relatives that you have never forgotten and you think are worth telling to this audience?

• What was your favorite subject in school?

• How did you balanced Sports and Studies?
I listened to my lectures carefully so I only needed the time to prepare before exams, which gave me plenty of time to train after school everyday

• What did you like most about school?
Getting to spend time with my friends

• What did you like least about school?
Not having enough PT sessions

• What sort of after school/out of school clubs did you attend? (in terms of sports)
I was associated with local district body building club

• Was there someone you really looked up to when you were a teenager? (in terms of sports)
Yes, my mentor Mr. Senthil Kumaran who was Mr. Asia back then

• What was your favorite music/band in high school?

• What would people you know find surprising about you as a teen?
My Consistency and dedication and hard work I put in

• Did you ever think of doing a 9 to 5 job?

• What would be your ideal job if you ever had to do?
I never second guessed about my job. I wanted it to be anything related to sports

• Describe about your sporting career
I started my career at a very young age which gave me little advantage in this field, yet I had to face a lot of struggles to get recognition

• Your best day in life (In terms of sports)
Winning 2017 World Championship in Body building and raising the Indian flag

• What is your definition of “happiness”?
The time I get to spend with children
P.S.: and the time while training as well

• What is your most memorable Sporting experience?
Winning 2017 World Championship in Body building and raising the Indian flag

• What is the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you?
When I went to ladies washroom by mistake

• What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Opening my own fitness center and winning 2017 and 2018 World Championship in Body building

• How do you want people to remember you?
Best Ambassador for the sport of body building

• Whose biggest fan are you? (in your sport and outside)
In my sport – Phil Heath
Sports in general- Roger Federer

• What do you like to do in your spare time?
Watch movies

• If you could possess one super-human power, what would it be?
Be Invisible whenever you demand

• What is your greatest fear?
Fear of not able to give 100 percent in my training

• What is your greatest hope?
If not today, there is always a better tomorrow and it is in my hands

• What are the main lessons you’ve learned in life?
To never ever give up

Shaista Khan
Sports and Fitness

Shaista is passionate about anything related to sports and fitness. She has worked with many athletes and has in-depth knowledge about their training and nutrition. She is very particular about the... Read More

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