
L-Arginine is Good for Health

Published : Aug 20, 2021 1 mins read Updated On : Mar 06, 2024

What is L-Arginine?

L-Arginine is a chemical building block called an amino acid. It is very essential for a human body and it helps in making proteins for the body. L-Arginine is usually found in many day-to-day food items like red meat, poultry, fish and dairy products which as we know people consume for their high protein content. L-Arginine is also used as a form of medicine and sports nutrition supplement.

L-Arginine is converted in the body into a chemical called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide causes blood vessels to open wider for improved blood flow. L-Arginine also stimulates the release of growth hormone, insulin, and other substances in the body.

Benefits of L-Arginine

L-Arginine has many health benefits and has been getting a lot of attention towards it because of its healing properties. The following are a few health benefits of L-Arginine:

  1. Helps reduce high blood pressure
  2. Controls sugar levels in diabetic patients
  3. Reduces anxiety
  4. Helps with protein intake

L-Arginine is Good for Health

Health Benefits of L-Arginine

L-Arginine has a few other health benefits compared to the ones listed above. It is a nutrition supplement that you can consume daily. The other researched health benefits are:

  • Some evidence suggests that L-Arginine is better for improving blood flow in your body because of the richness in nitric oxide.
  • L-Arginine is also great for the treatment of erectile dysfunction with the dosage of 1.5-5 grams daily.
  • Studies show L-Arginine during pregnancy may help treat preeclampsia which is a dangerous condition caused by high blood pressure and protein in urine.

L-Arginine is Good for Health

Fast&Up’s L-Arginine is one of the best and most efficient way to consume L-Arginine daily. It contains 1500mg of L-Arginine which is rich in nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps improve the blood flow to your muscles. It is to be consumed right before your workout and it helps in boosting stamina and delaying fatigue.

Udit Sheth
Healthy Lifestyle

Udit is a cheerful guy with knack for writing content. All his articles help people to follow a healthy lifestyle especially those who are struggling to stay fit and healthy. He takes a holistic ap... Read More

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