

Published : Apr 21, 2017 6 mins read Updated On : Mar 06, 2024


What are we doing to express our gratitude to our soldiers and cops for everything that they do for us to assure that we are safe at our homes? Not everyone can be a cop, not everyone can be a soldier, not everyone has the pumped up chest with a brave lion heart, nor can anyone place their country above them, not everyone can be as patriotic as them and not everyone can be anything near to them! There is no job that can be compared to theirs.

Cops and soldiers keep no track of time and work tirelessly to ensure our safety keeping aside their own leisure's and pleasures. Because we are not in their shoes, we can't fully understand and appreciate the sacrifices they make for us, the dedication with which they work for the country, keeping aside themselves and their family and only placing their country above them.

Words will fall short to describe their patriotism towards our country. But we in return don't do anything for them, nor do we take any initiative to express our gratitude towards them. But here's a chance to do it!! For that we need to develop an Attitude of Gratitude for the service our cops and soldiers provide us with, and express our Gratitude towards them. And what can be the best way to show that? Any Guesses? I say, Let's Run for them!!? Let us reflect our gratitude towards them and convey it through The Gratitude Run - 2017, Run for Cops and Soldiers!! It's time to say? THANK YOU! Why Running? Running is the best way to get fit, shed weight and establish a long-term fitness goal. Even if you've never run before. Even if you have never run before, it can still be possible to complete a 5K or a 10K Run event if you're smart about preparing about the distance.

Running might just be the convenient workout going, you don't have to be a skilled athlete to run, no fancy equipment involved. Just lace up your running shoes and off you go!! It's also most efficient way to burn up calories!! The training allows you to set goals and train hard and help you be more organized. Here's your way to the Gratitude Run - 2017, Run for Cops and Soldier

  • Pick a TRAINING PLAN that is suited for your level: One training plan doesn't fit all, and that runners should use a guide that suits them based on running history, prior injuries, fitness level and time commitments. You can still finish your goal even if you just try to follow the plan to the best of your ability.
  • Warm Up: Stretch before you run. Stretches are a great way to warm up and improve performance and reduce the risk of injury while running. Static stretches (stretch and hold), dynamic (which incorporate movement) according to your preferences or whatever suits your body. Warm up, Get Going with Fast&Up ACTIVATE.
  • TRACK your Run: It is important that you a check on your runs. You can do so by downloading apps like Map My Run or any app that tracks run. After your workouts, you can view your training log, which displays the distance, duration, pace, etc. of your run.
  • Increase SPEED during running short distances: Keep your stride long and breathe using your mouth and nose. Always look forward and have a goal set in your mind and then work towards that goal. And its practice combined with talent that improves your odds. When you feel tired, take deeper breaths to deliver more oxygen to your body.
  • Set a SCHEDULE: Increasing your running speed will require a lot of discipline and dedication, so its important that you set yourself a challenging yet realistic schedule and stick to it. You should aim to be running at least 4 to 5 times a week, varying the length and intensity of your runs. Before you begin your run, Set up a challenge for yourself and make sure you fulfill the challenge.
  • COMPLIMENT YOUR RUN PROGRAM: The gradual progression of endurance runs will allow you to run farther, more easily and the cross-training allows you to incorporate other activities you enjoy to compliment your program. You can include cross-training activities like cycling, yoga, swimming, elliptical or any activity that is not walking or running.
  • REST IS MUST: In addition to eating well, staying hydrated and training effectively, you also need to make sure that your body is getting the rest and recovery time it needs to perform well. Do not overexert. Motivation is directly related to how rested you feel, so don't compromise on your sleep and you will increase the likelihood that you will stick to your training program.
  • RUN PLAN: If you have got zero running experience, the thought of tackling a 5K, 10K can be pretty nerve-wrecking. But even if you haven't logged a mile since middle school, you can still cross the finish line happy and injury-free. Choose a plan that isn't too intense and achievable and make running a habit. Follow a Run-Walk Plan if you're a newbie here.
  • Get accustomed and get in the mood the First week.
  • Plan your second week with increased training sessions.
  • Increase your running periods on the third week.
  • Improve your conditioning, and cut out walking periods as much as possible on the fourth week.
  • Watch out for injury as you go into your second month.
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  • Avoid sweets and greasy foods: Junk food and candy may give you an instant energy boost, due to their high levels of sugar and fat, but that boost will rapidly be followed by a crash, leaving you feeling slow and sluggish. Prefer sugars from natural sources and fats for the same boost, without the negative side effects.
  • Set a GOAL: If you have never run a race before, planning to complete the event ? hopefully with a smile on your face ? is a preferably reasonable and still challenging a goal.


  • Act of SMILING: When you're starting to crash and burn during a race, put a big smile on your face. The mere act of smiling can have a profoundly positive impact on you mentally and physically, often helping to pull you out of your dark place and get back on track.
  • Massage Therapy: Massage therapy speeds athletic recovery and can address some aches and pains that may be problematic on race day, when you want to be as relaxed and well-rested as possible. Massage therapy is great after an event and before an event too.
  • TARGET: Have a goal of completing the race and focus on the same. Give your best you can. You know YOU CAN DO IT!

? The key takeaways: Follow the Mantra of ACTIVATE-HYDRATE-RECOVER with Fast&Up for a complete package of training system. Fast&Up salutes the spirit of our cops and soldiers!!

For the service, Fuel the service

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