
Marathon Training

Published : Jan 31, 2016 0 mins read Updated On : Jul 16, 2022

With running taking off in India in a big way, people have been aspiring to run marathons. However, running a full marathon which is 42.195 KM is a distance which one needs to train for. Fortunately, there are many training plans available on the internet which gives runners a lot of options. Some of the training plans which are famous are the ones by Jeff Galloway, Hal Higdon, Run Less Run Faster, Jack Daniels, etc. Indian today also has a plethora of options when it comes to full marathon events? SCMM (Mumbai Marathon), Spice Coast Marathon in Kochi, Chennai Marathon, Hyderabad Marathon, Bengaluru Marathon, Surat Marathon, Ladakh Marathon, etc.

There are a lot of people organizing such runs locally and goes beyond the SCMM which is done by PROCAM. As part of the training, there is also a need to look at nutrition. There are options available in India today like the Fast&Up range of products that covers the entire range of activity? Pre Workout: Activate, Hydration? Reload, Post Work Out? Recover. All this gives customers better and easier options than one which existed before in the form of Gu Gels, Sports drinks like Enerzal and Gatorade.

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