
Multivitamins During Pregnancy

Published : Mar 22, 2021 2 mins read Updated On : Mar 06, 2024

We all know that vitamins and minerals are an integral part of our lifestyle. However, they are of utmost importance at the time of pregnancy. Multi-vitamins keep your and your baby’s body healthy. Having a nutritious meal packed with vitamins and minerals promotes the healthy development of the baby. Supplements cover the nutritional gap which provides a balanced diet to women. The most important nutrients during pregnancy are as follows:

Multivitamins During Pregnancy - Fast&Up 

1. Folic Acid:

Folic Acid is one of the most important prenatal nutrients during pregnancy. Folic Acid is Vitamin B which is responsible for growth and development in your body. It prevents neutral birth effects that impact the baby’s brain and spinal cord. Foods that contain folic acid are green leafy vegetables, nuts, citrus fruits, etc. It’s recommended to have a supplement to meet all the dietary requirements.

2. Iron:

Iron helps in carrying oxygen from the lungs to different parts of the body, it also helps in building the placenta and prevents anemia. Your body needs double the amount of iron on pregnancy days when compared to normal days as it increases the blood supply up to 50%. Therefore, you will need more iron to make those red blood cells. Chicken, legumes, and fish are high in iron content.

3. Calcium:

Your body needs enough calcium so that the baby’s bones and teeth can be properly built. If your body doesn’t produce enough calcium, it will lead to bone loss. It also helps in the development of nerves and the heart, boosts muscles, etc. Milk, cheese, and eggs are high in calcium. 

Vitamin D Foods - Fast&Up

4. Vitamin D:

Vitamin D helps in building the immune system, muscles, and nerves. It helps the body to absorb calcium and also helps in the development of bones and teeth. Lack of Vitamin D leads to delays in physical development, deformity, etc. Fish, salmon, milk, etc are rich in Vitamin D.

5. Magnesium:

Magnesium plays a vital role during pregnancy. It helps in the relaxation of muscles while calcium helps in contraction. They both work hand in hand. Magnesium prevents the uterus to contract prematurely and also helps in building strong teeth and bones. Therefore, an adequate amount of magnesium is necessary during pregnancy.

Having proper multivitamins should be your top priority at the time of pregnancy. It is essential not only for the mother but also for the baby. Foods can’t cover all the dietary requirements, so having supplements is vital as it provides all the necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs. Always recommend a doctor before taking any kind of supplements. 

Nishtha Agarwal
Women Health & Nutrition

Nishtha is avid reader and writer who loves to explore about women health and wellness. She believes that every woman's first priority should her health especially considering their workload and th... Read More

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