
Nutrition trends- Bengaluru FC

Published : Feb 10, 2022 3 mins read Updated On : Mar 06, 2024

Do you ever wonder how football players have the stamina to play a whole game for 90 minutes or more? Football is anaerobic in nature. It is performed at high intensities for short bursts of time. To sustain on the field, football players have to follow the right nutrition. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all dietary strategy when it comes to football players. Footballers require strength, speed, and power, which necessitates nutrition to support training and activity that spans from weight training in the gym to sprinting. It should be noted that during a single football match, players can traverse about 10km on average, depending on position, tactics, and other variables. All of these behaviours result in a loss of glycogen fuel from the muscle, dehydration, and an increased risk of injury. Well in order to keep all these results at bay footballers follow nutrition trends to ace at their game.

Nutrition trends- Bengaluru FC

Do you know what nutrition Bengaluru FC are following this ISL 2022 or what are the ISL nutrition trends this year? Let’s take a closer look to the Nutrition trends!

Protein: To build and repair

Protein is required for players to increase muscle protein synthesis, which is a fancy way of saying to gain muscle, as well as to heal muscle damage caused by exercise. Choosing lean, high-quality protein at meals, as well as before and after each workout, is critical. It assists with muscle recovery by preventing breakdown and helps build ligaments and tendons that help build muscle health.

Plant Protein For Men

Fast&Up Plant protein for man consists of a combination of 3 types of blends- Green blend that comprises of wheatgrass powder, chlorella powder and moringa powder, ayurvedic energizing blend-ashwagandha (KSM-66), gokhru, safed musali, fenugreek and brahmi and black pepper extract and vitamin and mineral blend that helps support muscle growth and recovery, helps in the production of lean muscle mass and boosts strength, stamina and energy.

L- Carnitine: To burn fat & increase metabolism

L-Carnitine is a substance generated by the body that aids in the transport of fat into a structure within the cell known as the mitochondria. The mitochondria are the parts of the cell that take in nutrients and convert them into energy. This carnitine transporter is, in fact, the rate limiting step (slowest step) in using fat for fuel. Carnitine supplementation shows positive impacts in anaerobic exercise performance in trained individuals.

Nutrition trends- Bengaluru FC

Fast&Up L-Carnitine Tartrate 1000mg Carnipureâ„¢ is the purest form of L-Carnitine & free from banned substances and shows effective conversion of fat into fuel, making it available for muscle tissue

Hydration: To replace lost electrolytes

Dehydration is no laughing matter, and football players must take it seriously. Particularly around pre-season and the first several weeks of the season, when temperature is elevated and they're wearing all that gear. During practise or a game, athletes should aim for 16-20 oz. of fluid per hour and should drink something every 15-20 minutes or so. For anything lasting more than an hour, players should consider adding electrolytes (in the form of a sports drink), especially if they are heavy sweaters.

Fast&Up Reload O.R.S is an effervescent O.R.S (Oral Rehydration Solution) designed with Swiss Effervescent Technology with the right combination of fast acting clinical electrolytes + D-Glucose + Zinc which provides fast and effective hydration and provide energy. Reload O.R.S is a hypotonic formula that provides faster absorption and high nutrient bioavailability.It helps restore lost fluid and electrolytes.

Nutrition trends- Bengaluru FC

Carbohydrates: To Fuel

Athletes require a lot of carbs! Football players rely largely on glycogen reserves for energy. Carbohydrates are the preferred energy source for intermittent sports such as football, because glycogen reserves are frequently drained throughout workouts and training. The amount and frequency of carbohydrates necessary will vary depending on the time of year (i.e., off-season, pre-season, etc.), the player's specific goals, and their position.
Designed with unique liquid gel technology for instant energy boost, Fast&Up Energy Gel is a carbohydrate-based energy gel made for those who want a competitive edge during an endurance event. Each Fast&Up Energy Gel sachet provides 73kcal energy in serving size of 30 g, which contains 0.1% caffeine for instant energy boost during training. This energizing carbohydrate sports energy gel is a ready to consume instant energy gel that requires no extra preparation of water.

Sonali Manna
BSc, Masters (Nutraceuticals)

Sonali has done her masters in Nutraceuticals, while graduation in Microbiology. She is extremely passionate about science behind the nutrition which helps understand the human body, its dietary ne... Read More

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