
Introducing Fast&Up Plant Protein Isolate

Published : Jun 27, 2020 2 mins read Updated On : Mar 06, 2024

Fast&up Plant Protein Isolate Powder

When it comes to protein world, there are many options available to choose from. Protein powder is an easy and quick way to boost your protein intake. When it comes to protein powders, there are 2 essential types Plant Protein and Animal Protein source.

In Animal powder common source includes Casein, Whey, and Collagen. Plant-based protein powder included Peas, Brown rice, Hemp and Soy.

In this blog, we will try and cover the questionnaire pertaining to Plant-based protein sourced from Pea + Brown Rice proteins.

Introducing Fast&Up Plant Protein Isolate

Best Vegan protein powder you must know

There are numerous ways in which you can increase your intake of protein in a vegan diet. In case you are vegan or want to avoid animal-based protein, Fast&Up plant protein Isolate is the perfect option. To make your life easier, let us break down the benefits of Fast&Up Plant Protein Isolate


Pea + Brown Rice Protein: Complement Each other and act as a Complete Amino Acid source

Pea Protein: Pea protein is sourced from yellow peas. This is a rich source of proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and Iron. Pea protein powder also has BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acid). It has all the necessary amino acids that help in muscle building, energy, recovery, and optimal health.

Pea protein contains all 9 Essential amino acids, which your body cannot produce and has to be consumed from a dietary source. As per reports Pea protein delivers similar results when it comes to muscle gain when compared to Whey.

Brown Rice protein: Brown Rice protein is easily digested and highly absorbed with no allergic reactions. Brown Rice protein is considered lean protein and therefore does not have fat. Brown Rice proteins are loaded with Essential Amino acids, Fiber, and Vitamins that help in muscle strength, endurance, and general well-being.

Brown Rice being rich in fiber and low in fat aids weight loss and cholesterol management. It is a low glycemic index food that promotes fullness.

BCAA – Branched Chain Amino Acid

BCAA include 3 main amino acid – L-Leucine, L-Isolecuine, and L-Valine in the ideal ratio of 2:1:1. These are most effective and beneficial for muscle strength and endurance. The BCAA are directly metabolized in Skeletal muscles where one needs them to work. They have both Anabolic (Muscle Building) and Anti–catabolic (Preventing breakdown of hard-earned muscles).

Glutamine: L- Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body and in muscle cells. It is considered a conditionally important amino acid. 30 – 35 % of Nitrogen to muscle is supplied by Glutamine for protein synthesis. Glutamine helps in post-workout recovery. It acts as a building block of proteins and is also crucial for the immune system.

Beetroot Extract: Beetroot Extract is packed with essential nutrients. They are rich sources of fiber, folate, Manganese, Potassium, Iron, and Vitamin C. They help in improving digestive health, fight inflammation, support athletic performance, aid weight loss, and have antioxidant properties.

Vegan Coconut MCTs – MCTs are naturally occurring fatty acid in Coconut oil that helps to boost energy and endurance, lowers cholesterol, helps in weight loss, and helps to maintain blood sugar levels.

Introducing Fast&Up Plant Protein Isolate

Fast&Up Plant Protein Isolate delivers a 100% complete amino acid profile with the highest scoop size of 45g, with 34 g Plant protein, 5.8g BCAA, and 5.4g Glutamine with the added advantage of Beetroot extract and Vegan Coconut MCTs. Plant protein is a completely Vegan product with high quality and clinically tested ingredients in rich Ghana Chocolate flavor with a smooth creamy texture that is easy to digest.

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