

Published : Aug 28, 2018 3 mins read Updated On : Mar 06, 2024
42.195 Kms is a long distance to run, and anyone who has run a marathon before knows that there is plenty of time to think while running. Happy thoughts, tired thoughts, random reminders to pick up groceries, every runner has had these thoughts running, and if you still haven't, you will.

With the Airtel Hyderabad Marathon just around the corner, we are sure you are well prepared, with all your training done. Not just you, even Fast&Up is prepared to, ahem, put its best foot forward at the Hyderabad Marathon 2018. We will be the Official Electrolyte Partners at the marathon this 25th and 26th August.
Thoughts every runner has while running a marathon
And now, Fast&Up brings to you, 26 thoughts every runner has while running the 26.2 miles (42.195 Kms) for a marathon, which we are sure you will also experience at AHM'18.

1. I can't believe I'm standing at the starting line! It's finally happening, I am so excited, I could vomit. Thoughts every runner has while running a marathon
2. Okay.. 1 km done, 41 more to go. This feels kinda amazing, I feel like I could do anything!

3 This Fast&Up Activate I had before the marathon seems to be working, I could do this all day. Thoughts every runner has while running a marathon 4. I can't believe all these spectators are here to cheer me on, my heart is brimming with love for them right now :')

5. Okay, 10 Kms down, just 32 to go. Wait, THIRTY SEVEN? This calculation does not feel right. Thoughts every runner has while running a marathon

6. Oh MY God, will you stop with the math??

7. You know what, this is so great, all of us runners coming together. I really do feel amazing. Thoughts every runner has while running a marathon

8. Woah, this guy has overtaken me for the second time. The race is on! Thoughts every runner has while running a marathon

9. Ugh, it was a mistake to speed up to catch with that guy. I don't feel so good.

10. I think it's time to try the Energy Gel, see if it makes me feel better.

11. It helps! I feel good! This is AMAZING. I am a leaf on the wind! Now I know why people do this. Guys, Fast&Up Energy Gel works! I can feel the caffeine whooo! Thoughts every runner has while running a marathon 12. Okay, 20 Kms done, that's almost half the marathon. And this feels nice, I feel so good.

13. Shit, did I turn off the gas? I'm sure I must've. But... no, no, I am sure :) Thoughts every runner has while running a marathon
14. Okay, 20 Kms is way too many kilometres. I am literally dying.

15. Remind me again why I signed up?

16. Okay no, you are strong, you are great. You are THE FLASH. Maybe I should have another Energy Gel. Certainly helped the last time!

17. Yep, that helped! 13 Kms remaining. Come on, you can do it. Think of the bragging rights!

18. So 10 more kilometres. That's just 5 Kms twice, which is basically 2.5 Kms four times. And I run 2.5Kms all the time. This is going to be a breeze! Thoughts every runner has while running a marathon
19. Hey you know what's great? That Fast&Up Reload. I gotta remember to order my next pack once I get home! Thoughts every runner has while running a marathon 20. Aaaand... 4 Kms to go. I am actually close! I'm going to make it to the end!

21. Woah, I feel like the King of the World! Where do I sign up for the next marathon?

22. Oh God, I am never running another marathon in my life.
Thoughts every runner has while running a marathon
23. I just crossed 41! 1.195Kms to go. Just 1.195. You can do it! Look at all these people cheering you on!

24. I DID IT!!! I AM MARATHON FINISHER! I AM A GOD! Thoughts every runner has while running a marathon
25. This was the worst experience ever

26. Nahh, this was the best experience ever!
Thoughts every runner has while running a marathon
So, how many of these thoughts have you had while running? We bet you identified a lot of these! But whatever happens, noting beats the runners high you get after finishing a marathon, and it's this feeling that keep us going.

For those of you who will be present at the Airtel Hyderabad Marathon 2018, don't forget to visit us after your marathon! You can also visit our booth on 25th August, where you can try our products. 
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