
How Vitamin C Supports To Your Healthy Immune System

Published : Apr 06, 2020 2 mins read Updated On : Mar 06, 2024

What is Immunity?

Immunity can be defined as the ability of the host to resist or fight a particular toxin or germ by the action of specific defense cells or White blood cells

What is Immune System?

The immune system is a host defense system that includes many biological structures and processes that protects against harmful pathogens.

Without an immune system, humans would be more susceptible to attacks from pathogens or toxins.

First, let’s start with some basic characteristics of the immune system.

White Blood Cells

Vitamin C for Immunity
White blood cells are also known as leukocytes. They basically protect the body against invading pathogens or toxins by various mechanisms and by sending signals to different types of WBC cells to fight against foreign particles.

There 2 main types of leukocytes –

  • Phagocytes – They surround the cells and absorb pathogens and ultimately break them down, like eating them off. Several types of phagocytes are there like neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, and mast cells
  • Lymphocytes – They help the body by remembering previous invaders and fighting them. Lymphocytes originate in the bone marrow and stay there to become B lymphocytes and others head to the thymus and become T Lymphocytes

How Does the Immune response Work?

Firstly, the antigen is bacteria, virus, fungus, or any toxin foreign particles that start an immune response in the body. But the defense cells should be able to identify between their own cell and foreign cells. B lymphocytes help in differentiation.

Types of Immunity

  • Innate Immunity – Everyone one of us is born with certain kinds of immunity to invaders. Innate immunity action is non–specific and basically includes physical barriers like skin, mucous membranes of the throat, and gut.
  • Adaptive or Acquired Immunity – As the name suggests it is developed over time. It involves an antigen-specific immune response that destroys pathogens
  • Passive Immunity – Involves transfer of antibodies externally against disease rather than the body producing its own like a newborn acquiring it from its mother.

Vitamin C for Immunity

  • Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin.
  • Plays an integral role in both innate as well as adaptive immunity.
  • Vitamin C supports barriers that help in the prevention of invading foreign particles.
  • Promotes WBC – defense cells to fight pathogens.
  • Acts as potent antioxidants i.e. help limit the damage caused by free radicals.
  • Being water soluble it is daily excreted out of the body, thereby daily replenishment is required.

How Vitamin C Supports To Your Healthy Immune System

Fast&Up Charge for Immunity 

  • Fast&Up charges are formulated using 1000mg natural Amla extract and 10mg zinc.
  • Vitamin C from Amla extract acts as a potent antioxidant.
  • Covers the daily recommended requirement of vitamin c and zinc.
  • Higher absorption and faster action with Swiss-based effervescent technology.
  • Easy on the stomach and no gastrointestinal distress.
  • Boost immunity with Zinc.
  • Zinc is central to the defense system.
Jenil Shah
Nutrition Supplement Geek

Jenil completed his graduation in Biotechnology and masters in Nutraceuticals. He has a 3.5+ years of experience in various sectors including nutrition supplements, content writing and nutrition wr... Read More

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