
What is Dehydration?

Published : Jan 05, 2018 2 mins read Updated On : Mar 06, 2024
Dehydration happens when you lose more fluid than you drink. When your body doesn't have enough water, it can't work properly. Dehydration can range from mild to severe. Symptoms of dehydration can include the following:
  • Dizziness or lightheaded feeling
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Muscle cramps
  • Dry mouth
  • Lack of sweating
  • Hard, fast heartbeat.
Symptoms of severe dehydration can include mental confusion, weakness, and loss of consciousness. One should get emergency medical attention immediately if you have any of these symptoms. Causes It is very general and normal to lose water from your body every day by perspiration, respiration, urination, and pooping, and through tears and saliva (spit). Usually you replace the lost liquid by drinking fluids, liquids and eating foods that are rich in water. If you lose too much water or don't drink and eat enough, you can get dehydrated. You can lose more water than usual with:
  • A fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive sweating
Increased Urination Frequency (Diabetes and some medications like water pills -- also called diuretics -- can make you pee more often.) You may not replace the water you lost because:
  • You forget to drink enough.
  • You don't feel the thirsty.
  • You don't feel like drinking because you have a sore throat or mouth sores, or you're sick to your stomach.
How much water should you drink each day? It's a simple question with no easy answer. Studies have produced varying recommendations over the years. The water requirement of an individual depend on many factors, such as; your health, how active you are and where you live. Every individual has a unique requirement. No single formula fits everyone. But knowing more about your body's need for fluids will help you estimate how much water to drink each day. The principal chemical component of your body is water and it makes up about 60 percent of your body weight. Your body depends on water for survival. So how much fluid does the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate need? The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids for men About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women These recommendations cover fluids from water, other beverages and food. About 20 percent of daily fluid intake usually comes from food and the rest from drinks. You've probably heard the advice, "Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day." That's easy to remember, and it's a reasonable goal. Most healthy people can stay hydrated by drinking water and other fluids whenever they feel thirsty. For some people, fewer than eight glasses a day might be enough. But other people might need more. FAST&UP RELOAD is an ideal choice for HYDRATION with right combination of Electrolytes, Antioxidants and Carbohydrates
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