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Plant Protein

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Fast&Up Fusion Tech Protein - Clinically Tested For 2X Faster Absorption
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Fast&Up Plant Protein For Man - Added Performance Boosters
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Fast&Up Plant Protein for Weight Management - Added Carnitine
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Plant protein supplements are a new way to get more protein in your diet and still keep a healthy lifestyle. With more people adopting vegetarian or vegan diets, the demand for high-quality plant protein options has skyrocketed.
Plant based protein supplements offer a convenient and effective way to meet your daily protein needs without relying on animal sources. From pea protein to hemp protein, there are now a wide variety of protein supplements available in India. These are not only rich in essential amino acids but also packed with vitamins and minerals. If you want to improve your performance in sports or just keep a balanced diet, protein supplements can help.

What is Plant Protein

Plant protein refers to the protein derived from plant-based sources, such as legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds. It is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions. These include muscle growth and repair, hormone production, and immune system function.

What sets plant protein apart from animal protein is its composition and the absence of cholesterol. Plant proteins are typically low in saturated fat and high in fiber, making them an excellent choice for individuals looking to maintain a healthy diet.

Additionally, plant protein sources often contain essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron and calcium. Adding plant protein into your diet can provide numerous health benefits while also supporting sustainable food choices.

Types of Plant Protein Supplements

Use of plant protein supplements are growing in India at a rapid pace. As people explore these supplements in detail the benefits of these supplements become evidently clear. Multiple studies suggest that plant protein supplements as equally beneficial for muscle building and recovery as whey protein. People generally believe that plant protein is an incomplete protein.

While a single source of plant protein may lack all the essential amino acids, a supplement with combination of two or more protein source can provide all the essential amino acids to the body.

Let’ s look at some of the common types of plant protein supplements

• Pea Protein:- pea protein supplements are made from yellow split peas and not green peas. Pea protein is an excellent source of high-quality protein. It is especially rich in branched chain amino acids such as leucine, iso-leucine and valine.
These amino acids help to fuel muscle recovery and stimulate your body to make muscle protein (1). Moreover, muscle gain due to pea protein is similar to that of whey protein.
• Brown Rice Protein:- Brown rice protein supplements often come with pea protein to provide a complete protein powder. A single scoop of 30g brown rice protein can provide up to 22g of pure protein and 107 calories.
One study found that brown rice protein is as good as whey protein when it comes to muscle growth. The study found that men who consumed 48g of brown rice protein powder post-workout had a 12% increase in bicep muscle thickness, the same as for men consuming the same amount of whey protein powder (2).
• Soy Protein:- soy protein is a complete protein. Soy protein is also rich in BCAAs which helps in growth and recovery. Soy protein contains beneficial plant compounds that help to lower the levels of cholesterol.
The main concern while using soy protein is many people are allergic to soy. Hence if you are allergic to soy protein then avoid using soy protein powder.
• Hemp Protein:- derived from the seeds of the hemp plant, this plant-based protein source is rich in essential amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber. It is also packed with vitamins and minerals, including iron, magnesium, and zinc. Its high protein content makes it an excellent choice for athletes and fitness enthusiasts looking to support muscle growth and recovery.

How do Plant Protein Supplements Help You?

• Safe and Free from Allergies

The biggest complaint from people who consume whey protein regularly is that they experience bloating and gas. This is because of lactose in whey protein. Plant protein is an excellent alternative to this problem. Plant protein is easy to absorb and digest.
Many people are also lactose intolerant hence consuming a whey protein supplement is not possible. Plant protein is free from allergens and provides better absorption that means your protein intake is more.

• Helps to Build Lean Muscle

Plant protein is a valuable tool in lean muscle building due to its unique composition and benefits. Plant protein sources, such as legumes, nuts, and seeds, are rich in essential amino acids that are crucial for muscle growth and repair.

These amino acids help stimulate muscle protein synthesis, which forms new muscle tissue. Additionally, plant protein is often lower in saturated fat and cholesterol compared to animal protein sources. This makes them a healthier option for individuals looking to build lean muscle mass.

• Effective in Weight Management

Plant protein is an excellent tool for weight management due to several key factors. First and foremost, plant protein is generally lower in calories and fat compared to animal protein sources. Therefore, making them a more favorable option for individuals looking to manage their weight.

Additionally, plant protein is rich in fiber, which promotes feelings of fullness and helps regulate appetite. This can prevent overeating and aid in weight loss or maintenance.

• Helps Build Immunity

Unlike animal protein, plant protein contains a wide variety of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are vital for maintaining a strong immune system. Plant-based proteins are rich in antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber, all of which have been shown to boost immune function. These nutrients help to fight off harmful pathogens and reduce inflammation in the body, which can improve overall immune response.

Additionally, plant protein sources often contain high levels of vitamins C and E, zinc, and selenium, all of which are known to support immune health.

• Helps to Boost Metabolism

Plant protein has been shown to have a positive impact on metabolism, making it an excellent choice for individuals looking to boost their metabolic rate. When consumed, plant protein requires more energy to digest compared to other macronutrients, such as carbohydrates and fats.

This process is known as the thermic effect of food (TEF). By increasing the TEF, plant protein can temporarily increase calorie expenditure and help accelerate metabolism.

Furthermore, plant proteins are often rich in essential amino acids that are necessary for muscle growth and repair. As muscle tissue is metabolically active, having a higher proportion of lean muscle mass can contribute to an increased metabolic rate.

How to Choose the Right Protein Powder for You

• For Muscle Building

People believe plant protein supplements are not good for muscle building since plant protein is considered an incomplete protein. But that can’t be further from the truth. Study conducted by the National Laboratory of Medicine found that following 8 weeks of high intensity functional training people who consumed plant-based protein supplement post training had similar effect on muscle strength performance, body composition, and muscular adaptations (3).

While choosing the best vegan protein supplement look for protein per serving. Also look for the amount of BCAA and glutamine. Quality of protein source is equally important hence make sure that the protein source is of high quality. Check for certification like informed sports or informed choice to know that the supplement is free from any banned substances.

• For Weight Management

Plant protein has been shown to be very effective when it comes to weight management. Plant protein helps to reduce Ghrelin, a hormone that makes you feel hungry. A protein supplement that contains high quality vegan protein can help you feel fuller for long time thus helping you consume fewer calories.

Look for a protein supplement that has other ingredients like L-Carnitine. Green tea extract and black pepper are also important for weight loss. A blend of plant-based protein and thermogenic ingredients can be an ideal weight management supplement for you.

• For Men

Building bigger muscles isn’t the only reason why men should consume protein. Protein supports almost all body functions. While buying the best plant protein supplement look for a source of protein. A blend of pea + brown rice which can provide a complete amino acid profile.

According to ICMR an adult male need 0.8g to 1g of protein per body weight per day. So, buy a protein powder that provides at least 20g to 25g of protein per serving which can help you to fulfill your daily protein requirements.

Testosterone is an important male hormone so, look for a supplement that contains added testosterone boosters. Along with protein men also needs vitamins and minerals. A vegan protein supplement that contains added essential vitamins and minerals might just be the one for you.

• For Women

The importance of protein for women cannot be overstated. Protein helps women in building muscle mass, improving strength, hormonal balance, weight management and everything related to their health. A plant protein powder can be much more beneficial to women than a whey protein powder which is mostly focus on muscle gain.

Choose a protein supplement that offers a high-quality plant protein that will help you to fulfill your daily protein requirements. Other than protein look for ingredients that can help your skin health such as pomegranate extract, amla extract and turmeric extract.

Choose a plant-based supplement that does not contain added sugar, no artificial colour or preservative and does not contain any allergens.

Best Time to Take a Plant Protein Supplement

• Pre-workout

Taking a plant protein before the workout can help you to push a little harder during harder. Many plant protein like brown rice contains high levels of branched chain amino acids (BCAA’s). They help in maintaining the muscle glycogen stores. Glycogen helps to give energy to the body; more glycogen content implies more energy during your workout.
A protein shake 30 – 45 min before the workout can provide the right energy required to go aggressive during workouts.

• Post-workout

It is during the post exercise phase when your muscles are crying out for amino acids at the maximum and are hence most likely to absorb protein. The advantages of consuming post-workout plant protein shake are that it helps in muscle growth and/or recovery. Provide your muscles with the fuel they need to recover by taking a plant protein after your workout.

• Between Meals

By consuming plant protein shakes between meals, you can ensure that your body receives a steady supply of amino acids throughout the day, promoting optimal muscle recovery and synthesis. Additionally, protein shakes can help control hunger and prevent overeating by providing a feeling of fullness.

This makes them an effective tool for weight management and controlling cravings. Furthermore, protein shakes are easily customizable, allowing you to add additional ingredients such as fruits or vegetables to enhance their nutritional profile.

• Before Bedtime

Plant protein shakes consumed before bedtime can be highly beneficial for individuals seeking to optimize their muscle recovery and growth. During sleep, the body enters a state of repair and recovery. This makes it an ideal time to provide the necessary nutrients for muscle protein synthesis.

Protein shakes, particularly those containing slow-digesting proteins such as plant protein, deliver a sustained release of amino acids throughout the night. This promotes muscle recovery and minimizing muscle breakdown.

This is beneficial for athletes and those engaging in regular exercise, as it supports the repair and growth of muscle tissue. Furthermore, consuming protein before bed can also help regulate blood sugar levels and promote feelings of fullness. This can lead to weight management.

Why Choose Fast&Up Plant Protein Supplements

If you want to know what the gold standard for plant protein supplements is well, then look no further than Fast&Up Plant protein products range. Fast&Up offers 100% plant-based supplements that caters to your different health and nutritional needs. This include lean muscle building, weight management, hormone balance, and overall well-being.

Fast&Up offer a high-quality blend of pea and brown rice protein specially imported from the USA. They also contain multiple blends for weight management, strength and stamina, better digestion, skin health and general well-being. Fast&Up Plant-based protein supplement does not contain any added sugar. They are free from artificial flavors,  color and preservatives making them a clean source of nutrition.

Fast&Up Plant Protein is an Informed Choice Certified which ensures that the supplements are rigorously tested for banned substances prohibited by WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency).


1. Are All Plant Protein Powders Vegan-Friendly?

Not all plant based proteins are vegan-friendly. It depends on the ingredients added to them. For example, if honey is added as a sweetener, then it is not a vegan-friendly.

Also, if it is a fusion of plant and whey protein. Hence, please carefully look at all the ingredients before consuming any plant protein.

2. Is Plant Based Protein Better Than Whey?

It is difficult to say which Protein is better. Both plant and whey protein have their pros and cons. Plant protein is cleaner than whey protein, while whey protein is more complete Protein than plant protein.

Plant based protein is also easy to digest as compared to whey protein. It is also good for people who are lactose intolerant. It may have a slight edge over whey protein, but it is not superior to it.

3. Who Can Take an All-Plant Protein?

• Athletes, Fitness enthusiasts, Bodybuilders, or those leading an active lifestyle.
• Those who want to maintain general well-being.
• Those who want to build muscle and strength.
• Those who want to ensure post-workout muscle recovery.
• Those who want to help fulfill daily protein intake.
• Those leading a hectic, stressful, and busy lifestyle.
• Those who want to enhance immunity.

4. Can Plant-Based Protein Build Muscle?

Yes, plant protein is excellent for building lean muscles. It is one of the most quickly digestible forms of amino acids. It also helps to manage muscle growth hormones. Plant based protein helps in protein synthesis which results in muscle growth.

5. Can a diabetic patient consume plant protein?

Yes, since plant based protein does not affect blood sugar levels it is safe for a diabetic patient to consume. Consuming plant protein also helps to stabilize blood sugar level. Consult your health care professional before consuming plant protein.

6. What are the advantages of plant protein over whey protein?

Plant protein offers following advantages over whey protein:

• It is ideal for people who are lactose intolerant
• It does not cause bloating like whey protein
• It is cleaner than whey protein
• It provides essential vitamins and minerals



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